Boost Appetite: Picky Eater 101

Boost Appetite: Picky Eater 101

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Is chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheese the main dish in your household? Are new foods your kiddo’s worst enemy? This behavior is known as picky eating, aka fussy or choosy eating. Children that are picky eaters are defined as rejecting or restricting familiar foods and unfamiliar foods. When it comes to your child’s appetite, it can be a win or lose situation, but at the end of the day, a growing kid has still gotta eat!

There are numerous reasons why your child is a picky eater. One reason may be due to normal developmental growth. As children get older, it may be possible for their appetites to increase or decrease. Another reason for your little one to be a picky eater may be a health issue. If there are no steps to treating fussy eating, it can lead to extreme problems in the future. The extreme form of picky eating is called Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). This form of picky eating can have negative consequences, such as having low levels of iron and zinc if your child is not getting the appropriate amount of meats, fruits, and vegetables. It is said that when ignored, picky eating can be a gateway to an eating disorder.

Picky Eater Image Strip

But have no fear, Vitamin Friends are here! We know some ways to help your little one get excited to see that plate full of food! The first way is to provide a variety of foods that are colorful and fun! Some children are attracted to the silly side of life, making food vibrant and interesting may make their eating experience much better. Limiting their calorie intake may help too! Drinking a heavy amount of juice or soda will only decrease their appetite. Another way is to take them grocery shopping! This is a fun, creative way to have them create what they want to have in their meals. Not only will this be beneficial to their health, but it will also boost their confidence and creativity! But at the same time, being understanding and patient with your child is the best thing you can do for them.

Picky eating is not only developed independently in kids, their parents may also be a contributor. It is important to remember that children are impressionable, if they see their parents verbalizing their disgust for different foods, chances are, their kids may adopt that same attitude. If you know that you are a picky eater yourself, try expanding your horizons too! And if all else fails, we have something that may soothe your worries. Our Kids Vegan Boost Appetite Gummies! These delicious gummies have Citron, Sage, Cinnamon, Lemon, and Vitamin C, which are easy on digestive health and are natural appetite stimulants! Let’s boost your little one’s appetite together!

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